| Stefan Pach |

Remeat it. is a project by Stefan Pach. 
It was created during the lecture "Cybernetic garden" (Tutors: Max Neupert and Bernd Hopfengärtner) at Bauhaus-University Weimar in Wintersemester 2011/12. 

If you have questions about the project, improving suggestions or want to add a movie, write to stefan.pach@uni-weimar.de

Stefan Pach

Stefan Pach was born in 1984 in Limburg an der Lahn. Having finished school and his military service in Koblenz in 2004 he started studying “Optotechnik und Bildverarbeitung” at the University of Applied Science Darmstadt.
In 2006 he moved to Wiesbaden in order to study communication design at the University of Applied Science Wiesbaden which he finished with a bachelor of arts. During his education he spent one term in Turkey at Anadolu University Eskisehir. Since 2011 he is a master student of media art and design at the Bauhaus-Universtiy Weimar.
His portfolio includes book design (“kültür alakart”, awarded “ITB Berlin Buchwald 2010”), illustration (won the competition “Simgesel 2009”), corporate design (“Pure Data Convention 2011”) and free artistic conceptual works.