Till all movies got remeated we need a "Meat-Signal".
The "Meat-Signal" creates the possibility to check if a movie contains scene with meat.
The "Meat-Signal" creates the possibility to check if a movie contains scene with meat.
That gives you the possibility to decide if the movie fits to your moral understanding.
You can decide to watch a movie which shows tons of meat or don't watch it.
A movie can get three different declarations: "Vegan", "Vegetarian" and "Meat".
If a movie gets the "Vegan"-Sticker it does not contain meat in any form and it does not contain any eatable animal produced products such as Milk, Eggs or Honey. |
The "Vegetarian"-Sticker signals that the movie does not contain any meat. |
In worst case a movie contains meat and/or shows the act of slaughtering or eating the meat, this leads to a "Meat"-Sticker. |
To decide if a movie gets a "Vegan"-, "Vegetarian"- or "Meat"-Sticker there are subitems. Every movie can be checked by them. Depending on what the movie shows, it gets declared.
A movie showing the consume of "Milk", "Honey", "Eggs" or related products but does not show any meat leads to a declaration with a "Vegetarian"-Sticker.
A movies is declared with a "Meat"-Sticker if it shows meet. It is important to differentiate what kind of meat is shown and if it is eaten or evan slaughter.